about new ways to go public

A lot has changed since the events that inspired the “Window Peeping” story took place. The Internet wasn’t around so the current venues for exhibitionism were not available just yet. I was thinking about the differences between letting someone in your world through a computer or phone camera and just opening the drapes in your apartment. Obviously, unless you limit your audience by going into a private chat room or connecting directly with someone, anonymity plays a big part in this. I was also thinking about the time when “live cams” came around - the kind when someone just had cameras on in their house all they long and you could just tuned in an watch them go about their lives. These were a one-way stream so, in my opinion, closer to the idea I’m exploring in Window Peeping where the person is not necessarily “putting on a show” but “sort of” living his/her life and just letting others “peep in”.

Guido Luciani

Sensory-Somatic Artist


The Raw Stage: The Bare Character Studies: a Virtual Reboot


about gods and monsters